Movement Mastery
Beginner or Advanced
If you’re new to Pilates, or if you’ve done Pilates before…
Choose the right path for you
for Beginner’s
Move skilfully with body awareness, control and knowing
MOve skilfully
for beginner’s
MOVE SKILFULLY 1: Body Awareness
Build a strong foundation whether if you are new to Pilates, or beginning your patients on a specific exercise programme. These movements will help to awaken your awareness of subtle but important ways to control your spine and limbs, whilst synchronising your breathing patterns specifically to the movements.
MOVE SKILFULLY 2: Body Control
Set your intentions accurately to achieve your goals and select the best exercises at the right time. Deciding on a desired outcome will determine whether you want to focus on one aspect of movement or several at the same time. Knowing how different exercises can improve particular aspects of movement control will save considerable time.
MOVE SKILFULLY 3: Body Knowing
Once the foundation has been built, and specific aspects of movement have been improved, it’s time to challenge your body to become even more skilful. Instead of simply adding more exercises, you can increase the challenge in various ways by adjusting your weight-bearing, leverage of limbs, and by combining to coordination.
For advanceD
Challenge your movement skills through embodied learning and knowing
challenge yourself further
for advanced movers
LEVEL 1: Embodied Learning
Practice effectively whenever you want, with nine movements that will give you a thorough movement experience and bring real results that you will see and feel in your body. Focus your awareness to appreciate just how well you can move in various positions.
LEVEL 2: Embodied Knowing
Keep the momentum going with the next level of challenge, not by a longer routine, but by involving a different degree of focus. These nine movements will give you the opportunity to experience whole body organisation of strength, flexibility, alignment and coordination.
FOR BUSY PEOPLE: An Instant Elixir
If time is short, but your aim is high. If you only have limited time, get the most out of a few movements to push your skills to new limits. Use your time wisely to raise your energy levels, combine your strength and mobility, and feel a sense of achievement even in such a brief session.