You made an impact in my journey that helped me to learn, cope, smile, and keep discovering. Thank you for your patience, endless ability to listen, understand and adapt your teaching to the student.
— Sarahelina Vuoristo, Osteopath (Finland)

Do your patients have limited time to exercise, but would like to get the maximum effect from the most appropriate exercises for them?
Perhaps they have tried exercising but end up feeling discouraged or even in discomfort, so they have given up?
Maybe their posture is concerning them, and they want to exercise but don’t know where to begin?
Maybe their condition or dysfunction has prevented them from starting an exercise programme for fear of making things worse?
Are they hesitant because they don’t fully understand their exercise needs, and need the right guidance from the right person?
Do they need inspiration and motivation to start exercising to support your treatment?
You will be supported every step along the way. You will be able to select movements wisely from either the beginner’s or advanced programmes of Pilates-evolved exercise, so your patients can progress at a pace that suits them. This can support the aim of your overall treatment plan.
You can utilise a proven approach that gives your patients an opportunity to feel strong, supple, balanced, and confident in the way they move. They will begin to understand what has been holding them back from getting the most out of their body in the past.
Practitioner mastery
Learn how to teach your patients to move more freely, by choosing the right exercises to support your treatment plan.
Alan is a very experienced Osteopath, Naturopath, Certified Yoga Teacher, Certified Practitioner of Pilates for Rehabilitation, and Certified CHEK Exercise Coach. Alan has been in clinical osteopathic practice for 30 years, and has lectured Osteopathic Medicine at five different Osteopathic institutions in the UK and Sweden.
Alan also has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Human Movement Studies, Master of Arts Degree in Physical Education, and a PGCE in Physical Education. He has lectured Human Movement Studies and Physical Education, and has taught yoga classes, pilates classes (mat and machine-based), and provided rehabilitation and movement sessions for patients with many musculoskeletal conditions.
A life-long passion for the joy of movement, exercise and wellbeing is behind everything he teaches.
— Sarahelina Vuoristo, Osteopath (Finland)
— Paul Mason, Retired Osteopath (USA)
— Annie Osborne, Osteopath (UK)
— Cammie Osborne, Osteopath (Canada)
— Ceymor Forslund, Osteopath (Sweden)
Get all the benefits of Movement Mastery, plus specific guidance for teaching the exercises successfully. You will be able to teach your patients correctly so they can get the most benefit for their specific needs. Knowing how to identify poor movement patterns will inform your choice of exercises for a specific purpose, for example, whether they need stability or mobility, or both.
To build a strong foundation, these movements will help to awaken your patient’s awareness of subtle ways to control their spine and limbs, whilst synchronising their breathing patterns. By focusing on various aspects of movement they will learn how different exercises can improve their motor control. Then challenge can be offered to become even more skilful.
To focus your patient’s awareness to appreciate how skilfully they can move in various positions. Introduce the next level of challenge by involving a different degree of focus, giving your patients the opportunity to experience whole body organisation of strength, flexibility, alignment and coordination.
Learn how to select exercises in alignment with the goals of your treatment plan. Identify poor movement patterns to choose the best exercises for a specific purpose, for example, whether they need stability or mobility, or both. You already know so much about about your patients, and further awareness of their specific movement patterns during an exercise can reveal what may be holding them back from moving more skilfully.
receive a certificate in Movement mastery
Attend five, one-day online seminars with a Pre-Study pack for each session to allow you to study the essential teaching points before they are covered in the day’s session. Each day will also cover how to select exercises from the Movement Mastery programmes for specific conditions or dysfunction.
Attend a further two-day live seminar (face to face) to receive this Higher Diploma, where you will be guided in person regarding how to perform the movements yourself, how to teach the movements to a patient, and how to select exercises appropriately and individually for your patients. This will enable you to be prescribing from a place of authenticity and direct experience.
PERSONAL CONNECTION with a colleague
Have the reassurance that you can contact Alan in person to discuss any specific issues so you can get the maximum benefit from exercise prescription to support your treatment plan.
Some patients may need exercises to improve their spinal stability.
Others may benefit from more mobility and suppleness.
If more strength is needed, or more flexibility, you can select the best exercise.
Further benefit can be provided progressively when the time is right, not by merely adding more exercises, but by increasing the challenge of a exercise.
And if there is need to regress slightly, you will now how to do so correctly.
You treat your patients as individuals, and prescribing exercise is no different. By having first-hand direct experience of having performed the movements yourself, you will be able to assist your patient’s to move skilfully and more confidently, and move their body
On these one-day modules, you will learn how to teach the movements in the Movement Mastery programmes of Pilates-evolved exercise, beginning with Beginners Move Skilfully 1 programme. This first programme can provide your patients with movements that can achieve wonderful results at home. You will also learn how to select from these exercises for specific conditions.
You will learn how to teach the movements in the Beginners Move Skilfully 2 programme, where you will be able to progress your patients at a pace that suits them individually, or even regress them slightly to work on specific components of their movement. You will learn which movements can be beneficial, and which may be detrimental, for particular conditions.
You will learn how to select and teach the movements in the Beginners Move Skilfully 3 programme for patients with a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. In this way you will discover which movements are the most appropriate for the individual, and how to use different teaching cues to enable your patients to be able to perform them correctly through understanding what their body needs.
Learning to select and teach the more advanced movements in the Advanced Level 1 programme will allow you to offer more challenge to your patients, to really begin to advance their movement skills. Even if they have certain dysfunctions, you will be able to confidently prescribe the right exercises at the right time to complement your treatment plan.
The more challenging exercises in the Advanced Level 2 programme will help your patients to progress further and take their movement skills to the next level. They will combine elements of moving their body in a variety of ways to improve strength, suppleness, balance and coordination, and how to adapt their performance for specific conditions.
On successful completion of these five modules, you will receive a Certificate in Movement Mastery (Practitioner).
Venue to be confirmed
On this further two-day face to face module, you will guided through the movements discovering how to refine your understanding and experience of how to perform them, teach them, and select them appropriately for your patients with various conditions.
On successful completion of this live module, you will receive a Higher Diploma in Movement Mastery (Practitioner).
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Attend the FREE WEBINAR, ‘The Chicken or the Egg’, which will highlight the value of developing functional STABILITY and MOBILITY, and how to decide which requires priority for your individual patients. Date to be confirmed.
FREE 30 minute opportunity to discuss MOVEMENT ISSUES that your patients may have. If you are concerned about a particular movement habit, or how it is influenced by a certain condition, then you can discuss this to resolve the issue.
FREE 30 minute opportunity to discuss any concerns regarding SPECIFIC CONDITIONS that your patient you may have. Don’t let a particular condition stop them from reaping the benefits of appropriate exercise.
No, you will be taught and guided by an experienced Movement Specialist and Osteopath who has been treating people and prescribing corrective exercise for the individual’s needs for thirty years. Rest assured you will be in qualified and experienced hands every step along the way, even if you have no experience of Pilates.
It would be of benefit regarding your own movement ability and for teaching your patients, but the beginner’s routines will teach you the basics well, even if you don’t consider yourself a good mover. Then you will have the ability to teach the movements, even of you don’t do them regularly yourself.
In many ways they will get far greater benefit, as you will be able to prescribe the most appropriate exercises for their particular condition or dysfunction, whilst also informing them of how to modify certain movements if they go to a class.
There are five, one-day online seminars, each with a Pre-study Pack to read before each session to prepare you regarding some of the teaching points. This will lead to a Certificate in Movement Mastery (Practitioner). If you wish to receive the Diploma in Movement Mastery (Practitioner), you will need to attend a further two-day live seminar (face to face).
We have a 7 day refund policy if you are not fully satisfied with your purchase.