Movement Mastery

The Art of Moving Skilfully


Would YOU like to MOVE SKILFULLY, or learn how to TEACH OTHERS to become skilful movers?



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Two Paths to Moving Skilfully

Movement Mastery for anyone & Practitioner Mastery for practitioners


Movement Mastery

For anyone who wants to move more skilfully

Exercise safely, effectively and successfully

Pilates-Evolved exercise can have a wonderful effect on your body when performed wisely. Expert guidance from a musculoskeletal specialist can help you achieve your goals, so that you know which movements will bring you the results your body needs, and how to perform each movement with focus and awareness.

Yoga practised at home can bring a unique dimension to your physical and emotional wellbeing, without the need for long routines or extreme postures.


Practitioner Mastery

Learn how to teach your patients to move skilfully

Pilates-Evolved exercise – for Osteopaths, from an Osteopath

Being an Osteopath or manual therapist doesn’t keep you in good physical condition, it highlights the need for you to be in good condition.

Strength and flexibility. Alignment, balance and coordination. Stability, proprioceptive awareness and mobility. How well you integrate these to perform movements needs effective control. Not just motor control, but sensory-motor control, to continually respond to stimuli throughout a movement. And not just physical stimuli, as previous experience and expectations affect how you move, and your thoughts and emotions create an embodied experience. Maybe it is time for a new experience…

Having a direct, first-hand experience of knowing how to move more skilfully will enhance the way you teach others. If you are an Osteopath you will then be prescribing from a place of authenticity, of knowing in the body.

Behind Movement Mastery

Alan Williams is an experienced Osteopath, Naturopath, Certified Yoga Teacher, Certified Practitioner of Pilates for Rehabilitation, and Certified CHEK Exercise Coach. Alan has been in clinical osteopathic practice for nearly 30 years, and has lectured Osteopathic Medicine since 1996 at five different Osteopathic institutions. He currently lectures osteopathic technique and is a senior clinic tutor at the British College of Osteopathic Medicine, in London.

Alan also has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Human Movement Studies, Master of Arts Degree in Physical Education, and PGCE in Physical Education. He has lectured Human Movement Studies and Physical Education at undergraduate degree level, and has taught as Principal Educator for Polestar Pilates (UK) Rehabilitation Series. He has taught yoga classes, pilates classes (mat and apparatus based), and individual and small group rehabilitation and movement sessions for patients with various musculoskeletal conditions.

A personal note: A life-long passion for movement and exercise has always guided everything I do, both personally and professionally, and when combined with Osteopathy to encourage more skilful and natural movement, it offers a great opportunity to achieve profound results. Practice wisely and safely with expert guidance and experience the benefits of Movement Mastery – The Art of Moving Skilfully.